(Mac OS X version available at http://www.macmedia.sk/logosender10x.sit)
LogoSender is a MacOS application that can send operator logo, caller group graphics, picture SMS, text SMS and ringtones to another (or your own) Nokia mobile phone from the phone connected to your computer through the GSM network. Bigger operator logos (78 x 21 pixels, for Nokia 71xx, 62xx, 63xx), smaller logos (72 x 14 pixels, for Nokia 32xx, 33xx, 51xx, 61xx, 82xx, 83xx, 88xx), caller group graphics (72 x 14 pixels, for almost all Nokias) and picture SMS (72 x 28 pixels, for almost all Nokias) are supported.
A picture of required size and black&white bitmap format may be prepared in a built-in simple editor, or in a standard graphic editor (GraphicConverter, Adobe Photoshop or similar) or downloaded from the Internet and then opened in LogoSender. After entering the recipient phone number the connected mobile phone will send the logo or SMS. Standard phonebooks can be imported from the phone and saved to a file.
Graphics can be sent to Nokia phones only, text messages can be sent to any phone.
What is an operator logo?
Without an operator logo the name of the current network operator is displayed as text on the phone display. It is possible to send logo to the phone that will be displayed instead of the name of the operator. If there is an operator logo already saved in the phone it will be replaced after sending another one.
It is also possible to send a logo for a different operator and if you travel to a foreign country or insert a different operator card the logo of the other operator will be displayed. (required country and network must be selected in the preferences window)
What is a flash SMS?
The text of a flash SMS is displayed on the phone screen immediately after receiving without the need to press any buttons on the phone.
Phone connection to the MacOS computer
Logos and picture SMS can be sent to almost every Nokia phone but only these phones can be connected to the MacOS computer:
- via infrared (IrDA) -
Nokia 71xx, 52xx, 62xx, 63xx, 65xx, 82xx, 83xx, 88xx (Nokia 61xx has an infrared port but is not compatible with IrDA)
MacOS version 8.6 - 9.2 with infrared control panel must be correctly installed.
IrDA reception must be activated in the phone menu and infrared control panel must indicate the connected phone.
Macs with modem and printer serial ports:
- Nokia DLR-3P or compatible cable
- standard Mac serial modem cable (not USB !!!)
- serial DB-25 (female) to DB-9 (male) adapter - it is a PC (not Mac) accessory
Support up to MacOS 9.2.
Macs with a USB port:
- Nokia DLR-3P or compatible cable
- USB serial adapter (preferably Keyspan High Speed USB Serial Adapter - http://www.keyspan.com)
Support up to MacOS 9.2.
Starting LogoSender for the first time
SERIAL PORT, COUNTRY and NETWORK must be selected in the preferences window.
Unregistered version of LogoSender
- text messages can contain only 10 characters (instead of 160)
- every logo or picture SMS has a ╥DEMO╙ label in the left top corner
Register at
LogoSender price per a single user license is $15.
- Some G3 PowerBooks and some software versions of Nokia 8310 might seem not to communicate correctly.
- Some phones from other vendors than Nokia may work with LogoSender after successfully connected to your Mac and send graphics from the computer to Nokia phones. Text messages can be sent to any phone.